It’s been good to get out there.
Building OrangeWIP this year has required countless conversations—face-to-face, one-on-one. It’s a lot of time, but also very fulfilling. And I think it’s giving me a better understanding of the folks we’re featuring this month.
This month, we’re focused on part of the entrepreneurial story that doesn’t often get told. These are folks who see their role beyond being a successful business owner and spend a lot of time and energy working toward success for those around them. A whole lot of time.
I hope you find details and inspiration for how you, too, can use your influence to shape the world around you. If you’re not there right now, then you’ll get some inspiration about how you can be in the future.
As for us, we’re taking time to evaluate our own impact. That means a holiday break for Hello Chaos Podcast, returning fresh, honest new stories in January. I’m looking forward to analyzing what we’ve done and who we’ve touched. If that’s you, I’d be honored to hear more about it.
See you next year,