Nationally, hiring slowed down last month. But around here, it seems like most startups and small businesses are either in desperate need of talent, or they have their eyes peeled for the next rockstar to add to the team.
The landscape looks different when your lens is closer to home. And the ripple effects of great talent—or bad hires—are so much more dramatic for younger and smaller companies. Folks can drag you down or rocket you forward.
At the same time, these are often companies without the robust HR staff, recruitment budgets, or just plain old time needed to find people with that right mix of experience and personality that can elevate a team.
So, this month we’re here to help. Whether or not you’re actively hiring, we present some resources for connecting with the people you need. We also look into personality tests that can help you understand new hires or the team you’ve already got.
Hiring is really freakin’ hard. Hopefully, this edition of OrangeWIP will give you an idea of where you can get help. Like, today.